Other Non-Medication Therapies for Chronic Pain

At our clinic in Bowie, Maryland, we also use other non-medication therapies for chronic pain. Some of these therapies include TENS units, physical therapy and much more. We also offer ultrasound guided injections, fluoroscopically guided injections, and more. We do our procedures on site and offer sedation as needed. We specialize in platelet rich plasma and complex regional pain syndrome.

We Care About You!

Pain management is never a quick fix, our pain management specialists will take all the time needed to help you to find a solution to your acute and chronic pain. For those who have been on opioids for long periods of time that wish to stop opioid treatment to try other healthier alternatives, we do provide a very successful Suboxone treatment program to assist them.

We understand the fear that accompanies acute and chronic pain. Pain robs you of your normal quality of life. Our goal at Lifestream Health Center in Bowie is to get you back to living your normal life! We realize that will not always be possible depending on the cause of your pain; however, our amazing pain management specialists will do their very best to give you your life back. We have had wonderful success with our patients at our pain management clinic in Bowie. We care about our patients!

List of Procedures

Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI)-Translaminar and Transforaminal

For Treatment of:  Radicular pain in the Cervical, Lumbar, Thoracic Spine; sciatica

Facet Joint Injection/Medial Branch Block

For Treatment of: Low back pain, facet arthritis

Trigger Point Injections (TPI)

For Treatment of: Muscle spasms and point specific muscle tenderness

Lumbar Sympathetic Injection (LSB)

For Treatment of: CRPS of lower extremity or pain due to poor circulation

Stellate Ganglion Block

For Treatment of: CRPS of upper extremity or pain due to poor circulation

Celiac Plexus Block/Neurolysis

For Treatment of: Distal esophageal to transverse colon pain/ Commonly for pancreatic pain from cancer.

Sacroiliac Joint Injection

For Treatment of: Buttock pain which may also radiate to groin

Intercostal Nerve Block

For Treatment of:  Rib pain, post-herpetic neuralgia (shingles), post-mastectomy pain

Occipital Nerve Block

For Treatment of: Occipital headaches or neuralgia

Ilioinguinal Nerve Block

For Treatment of: Groin Pain

Radiofrequency Neurolysis

For Treatment of: Nerve Destruction procedures for axial pain which responded to facet or medial branch blocks

Spinal Cord Stimulator Trial

For Treatment of: CRPS, Post laminectomy pain, or other severe chronic pain

Intrathecal Medication Trial

For Treatment of: Severe chronic pain or cancer pain unrelieved by conservative therapies

Piriformis Injection

For Treatment of: Buttock pain

Joint Injection/Aspiration

For Treatment of: Arthritis related pain and/or fluid build up

Botox Injection

For Treatment of: Myofascial pain without prolonged response to treatment with steroids and local anesthetic

Bursa Injection

For Treatment of: Typically for treatment of greater trochanter bursa with lateral thigh pain

Peripheral Nerve Injection

For Treatment of: Various Neuroma or neuralgia- type pain; for upper and lower limbs by Ultrasound Guidance

Provocative Discography

For Treatment of: Diagnostic procedure for low back pain or radiating leg pain, to evaluate disc as a source of back pain