Many individuals who suffer from chronic pain also suffer from insomnia and mood swings. According to a study published in Pain Medicine, the treatment of veterans who suffer from chronic pain, insomnia, and mood swings with cognitive behavioral therapy may improve sleep and mood.

Veteran’s Affairs Developed the Model

The study involved seventeen veterans with chronic pain and insomnia who recently had participated in CBT-I.  Seven of the veteran’s therapists were also enrolled in the study.  The sessions of therapy were based on a CBT-I model that had been developed by Veterans Affairs. Qualitative semi structured interviews and thematic analysis were used to identify conceptual themes.

Chronic Pain

The pain condition most commonly reported by participants was musculoskeletal pain. Participants were involved in an average of five CBT-I sessions. The therapists and participants noted that changing sleep habits during CBT-I could be difficult and cause anxiety. Participants had only minimal changes in chronic pain intensity; however, they reported improvements in sleep, energy, mood, and socialization after CBT-I. It is quite common for patients who have chronic pain to suffer from insomnia also. We have many different options to help deal with the chronic pain and the insomnia. Call our friendly staff today to discuss your options at our Bowie, Maryland location.

Pain Management Handled by Professionals

Pain Management for acute to chronic pain needs to be treated by professionals who are trained in this specialized field of medicine.  Today, we have many different options for treating chronic pain, and many new procedures. No one should have to live in chronic pain without the help of pain management specialists. If you are experiencing acute to chronic pain please call our office, Lifestream Health Center in Bowie, Maryland (301)-860-0305 to schedule an appointment and improve overall health.

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